2024教师招聘笔试:小学英语模拟题 —完形填空(2)

2023-12-30 来源:

I worked on boats for twenty five years.Now I am a docking pilot.My job is to 11 in the large luxury liners and stay with them until they are 12 stopped in the harbour.Sometimes this requires two tugs,sometimes many more,13 the tide and the weather.

Most of you no 14 have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners.What they are doing doesn’t seem to make much 15,as the minute the big boat is alongside the port,her heavy rope made fast,the job is 16.

I felt very 17 after I had docked several of the large liners.I realized I was in 18 of a great ship worth millions of dollars and the 19 were depending on me to bring her safely to the port.These tugs,whether one or ten,20 about in accord with whistle signals I 21 them from the bridge of the big liner.These signals make up a language that is just as 22 as the spoken word,or even more so,23 our docking signals are hardly misunderstood.The captain of each tug does his work according to the signals he 24.He never asks questions.He takes 25 faithfully,and it 26 works out.

Working around tug boats,wher so much depends on 27, has had its effect on what I believe.I believe that if I am to attain a(n) 28 place in the world I must have the help of my fellow men just as the great transatlantic liners depend on the 29 of the little tugs to bring them safely to the 30.

(  )11.A.put    B.push    C.bring    D.join

11.C【解析】根据前句“Now I am a docking pilot.”可知,“我”现在是一名码头领航员。据此可以判断,作者的工作是将大型邮轮领进港口。故选C。

(  )22.A.safely    B.dangerously    C.immediately    D.illegally


(  )13.A.adding to   B.letting alone  C.thinking of   D.depending on

13.D【解析】add to“增加”;let alone“更不用说”;think of“想起……”;depend on“依靠,取决于”。根据该句中的“sometimes this requires two tugs,sometimes many more”可知,有时候需要两个拖船,有时候需要更多,这取决于潮汐和天气。故选D。

(  )14.A.wonder    B.doubt    C.need    D.exception

14.B【解析】根据语境可知,此处表示“你们中的大部分人很可能见过拖船推拉大邮轮的情景”。no doubt为固定搭配,意为“无疑,很可能”。

(  )15.A.sense    B.profit    C.progress    D.advance

15.A【解析】根据该句中的“as the minute the big boat is alongside the port,her heavy rope made fast”可知,拖船工作看起来似乎没有多大作用。make sense为固定搭配,意为“有意义,起作用”。

(  )16.A.prepared    B.lost    C.planned    D.done

16.D【解析】根据该句中的“the big boat is alongside the port,her heavy rope made fast”可知,此处表示船到达港口,工作就完成了。故选D。

(  )17.A.bored    B.meaningless    C.important    D.tired

17.C【解析】根据后句中的“a great ship worth millions of dollars”可知,“我”管理的邮轮价值数百万美元。据此可以判断,作者感到他的工作十分重要。故选C。

(  )18.A.control    B.praise    C.defence    D.place

18.A【解析】be in control of为固定搭配,意为“控制,管理”。故选A。

(  )19.A.clerks    B.sportsmen    C.readers    D.owners


(  )20.A.look    B.move    C.hear    D.worry

20.B【解析】根据该句中的“in accord with whistle signals”可知,这些拖船要根据“我”的口哨信号移动。故选B。

(  )21.A.write    B.send    C.mail    D.bring


(  )22.A.dependable    B.incredible    C.doubtful    D.visible

22.A【解析】dependable“可信赖的,可靠的”;incredible“难以置信的”;doubtful“怀疑的”;visible“可见的”。根据该句中的“our docking signals are hardly misunderstood”可知,由口哨声组成的这种语言跟话语一样可信。故选A。

(  )23.A.though    B.if    C.while    D.because


(  )24.A.gives    B.spreads    C.receives    D.passes


(  )25.A.nothing    B.anything    C.something    D.everything

25.D【解析】根据前句“He never asks questions.”可知,船长忠实地执行一切信号指令,并且工作总是干得好。故选D。

(  )26.A.never    B.ever    C.always    D.seldom


(  )27.A.imagination    B.creation    C.teamwork    D.performance


(  )28.A.successful   B.frustrating   C.regretful   D.embarrassing


(  )29.A.prevention    B.help    C.objection    D.delay


(  )30.A.airport    B.station    C.port    D.stop


I worked on boats for twenty five years.Now I am a docking pilot.My job is to 11 in the large luxury liners and stay with them until they are 12 stopped in the harbour.Sometimes this requires two tugs,sometimes many more,13 the tide and the weather.

Most of you no 14 have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners.What they are doing doesn’t seem to make much 15,as the minute the big boat is alongside the port,her heavy rope made fast,the job is 16.

I felt very 17 after I had docked several of the large liners.I realized I was in 18 of a great ship worth millions of dollars and the 19 were depending on me to bring her safely to the port.These tugs,whether one or ten,20 about in accord with whistle signals I 21 them from the bridge of the big liner.These signals make up a language that is just as 22 as the spoken word,or even more so,23 our docking signals are hardly misunderstood.The captain of each tug does his work according to the signals he 24.He never asks questions.He takes 25 faithfully,and it 26 works out.

Working around tug boats,wher so much depends on 27, has had its effect on what I believe.I believe that if I am to attain a(n) 28 place in the world I must have the help of my fellow men just as the great transatlantic liners depend on the 29 of the little tugs to bring them safely to the 30.

(  )11.A.put    B.push    C.bring    D.join

11.C【解析】根据前句“Now I am a docking pilot.”可知,“我”现在是一名码头领航员。据此可以判断,作者的工作是将大型邮轮领进港口。故选C。

(  )22.A.safely    B.dangerously    C.immediately    D.illegally


(  )13.A.adding to   B.letting alone  C.thinking of   D.depending on

13.D【解析】add to“增加”;let alone“更不用说”;think of“想起……”;depend on“依靠,取决于”。根据该句中的“sometimes this requires two tugs,sometimes many more”可知,有时候需要两个拖船,有时候需要更多,这取决于潮汐和天气。故选D。

(  )14.A.wonder    B.doubt    C.need    D.exception

14.B【解析】根据语境可知,此处表示“你们中的大部分人很可能见过拖船推拉大邮轮的情景”。no doubt为固定搭配,意为“无疑,很可能”。

(  )15.A.sense    B.profit    C.progress    D.advance

15.A【解析】根据该句中的“as the minute the big boat is alongside the port,her heavy rope made fast”可知,拖船工作看起来似乎没有多大作用。make sense为固定搭配,意为“有意义,起作用”。

(  )16.A.prepared    B.lost    C.planned    D.done

16.D【解析】根据该句中的“the big boat is alongside the port,her heavy rope made fast”可知,此处表示船到达港口,工作就完成了。故选D。

(  )17.A.bored    B.meaningless    C.important    D.tired

17.C【解析】根据后句中的“a great ship worth millions of dollars”可知,“我”管理的邮轮价值数百万美元。据此可以判断,作者感到他的工作十分重要。故选C。

(  )18.A.control    B.praise    C.defence    D.place

18.A【解析】be in control of为固定搭配,意为“控制,管理”。故选A。

(  )19.A.clerks    B.sportsmen    C.readers    D.owners


(  )20.A.look    B.move    C.hear    D.worry

20.B【解析】根据该句中的“in accord with whistle signals”可知,这些拖船要根据“我”的口哨信号移动。故选B。

(  )21.A.write    B.send    C.mail    D.bring


(  )22.A.dependable    B.incredible    C.doubtful    D.visible

22.A【解析】dependable“可信赖的,可靠的”;incredible“难以置信的”;doubtful“怀疑的”;visible“可见的”。根据该句中的“our docking signals are hardly misunderstood”可知,由口哨声组成的这种语言跟话语一样可信。故选A。

(  )23.A.though    B.if    C.while    D.because


(  )24.A.gives    B.spreads    C.receives    D.passes


(  )25.A.nothing    B.anything    C.something    D.everything

25.D【解析】根据前句“He never asks questions.”可知,船长忠实地执行一切信号指令,并且工作总是干得好。故选D。

(  )26.A.never    B.ever    C.always    D.seldom


(  )27.A.imagination    B.creation    C.teamwork    D.performance


(  )28.A.successful   B.frustrating   C.regretful   D.embarrassing


(  )29.A.prevention    B.help    C.objection    D.delay


(  )30.A.airport    B.station    C.port    D.stop



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