
2024-03-22 来源:


[误]My mother bought two fishes for supper this morning.

[正]My mother bought two fish for supper this morning.

[析]英语中有些名词单复同形,如:fish, deer, sheep, Chinese (中国人), means (方法)。所以应讲one fish, two fish, one Chinese, two Chinese. 如果讲There are five fishes in the pool.应译为池中有五种鱼而不是五条鱼。

[误]Mary expressed her thank to her boy friend.

[正]Mary expressed her thanks to her boy friend.

[析]英语中有些名词只有复数形式,如: thanks, greens, 而有些词单数形式与复数形式有不同的词意。如:clothes 为衣服,而cloth则是布, sand沙子,而sands是沙滩。

[误]I offered my son my congratulation on his success.

[正]I offered my son my congratulations on his success.

[析]英语中表示祝贺的词虽有单数形式,但一般要用其复数形式。如握手为shake hands.

[误]We have five German in this meeting.

[正]We have five Germans in this meeting.

[析]英国人Englishman的复数形式为Englishmen,而German 则要加s,因为它不是由国名与man的组合词。

[误]There are two As in this word.

[正]There are two A's in this word.


[误]There are three 6s and two 3s in my telephone number.

[正]There are three 6's and two 3's in my telephone number.


[误]We have many woman teachers in our school.

[正]We have many women teachers in our school.


half brother—half brothers(同父异母或同母异父的兄弟)daughter in law—daughtersin law,(儿媳)但要注意的是:man driver—men drivers(男司机) woman doctor—women doctors(女大夫)grown up—grown ups(成年人) 但是boy student—则变为boy students

[误]Physics are very difficult to learn.

[正]Physics is very difficult to learn.

[析]虽以s结尾但只能用作单数名词有:科学,学科名字:Physics. Mathematics politics游戏名称:bowls 专有名称:Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布) 其他名词:news(消息,新闻)

[误]There is a people in the room.

[正]There is a person in the room.

[正]There is a man in the room.

[析]people是复数名词,不可用作单数,如要用来讲一个人时应用a person, a man, a woman。同样的词有police.要讲一个警察时则要用a policeman, a policewoman。

[误]Wher is my shoe?

[正]Wher are my shoes?

[析]常常只用作复数形式的词有trousers, pants, shorts(短裤),socks(袜子),shoes, gloves(手套)。但如果只找其中的一个则要指明,这时还是应用单数形式。如:Wher's my left glove?(我左手的手套在哪?)

[误]I paid five pennies for the sweet.

[正]I paid five pence for the sweet.

[析]英语中便士有两个复数形式pence用来表达一定数量的钱。而pennies是指一个个的硬币,如:I want to change this note for pennies.我想把这纸币换成硬币。(即一便士一个的硬币)。

[误]There are many fruit in the shop.

[正]There are many fruits in the shop.


[误]There is a new car. It is Jone's and Mary's.

[正]There is a new car. It is Jone and Mary's.

[析]有生命名词的所有格,如果是单数名词则加's如:Mary's car.如果是以s结尾的复数名词则只在s后面加’如:teachers' offices.如果是复数名词但不是以s结尾,则只加’s,如:children's palace 组合名词的所有格是在后一个词尾加's如:girl friend —girl friend's someone else—someone else's a week or three—a week or three's如名词后有同位语时,则应加在同位语的词尾上,如:It is my girl friend, Mary's car.要注意的是当两个名词并列时,如表示归两人共同所有,则在后一个名词后面加's,如果表示分别所有则在两个名词后分别加's,如:This is Mary and Jone's home.即Mary与Jone是一家人。这是他们共同的家。而These are Mary's and Jone's homes.则应译为这里是Mary的家与Jone 的家。

[误]It is really beautiful. It is a work of nature.

[正]It is really beautiful. It is a Nature's work.

[析]无生命名词的所有格应用of结构。但是's形式的所有格可用于以下无生命的名词:表示时间的词:today's newspaper, a twenty minutes' walk, an hour's, rest 表示长度的词:three metres' distance, a boat's length, twenty miles' journey 表示重量的名词:two pounds' weight价格名词:two dollars'worth拟人化的名词:Nature's work, nature's lesson(大自然的教训)及国家、机关、团体、城市等机构性名词:the university's library

[误]He is an old friend of my father.

[正]He is an old friend of my father's.

[析]这是英语中的一种习惯用法而不要根据语法去推理。如:This pen is Tom's.

[误]My father is a good cooker.

[正]My father is a good cook.

[析]一般动词加上er后则转意为执行该动作的执行者,如:teach(教)—teacher(老师),think(想)—thinker(思想 家),drive(开车)—driver(司机),sell(卖)—seller(卖物者)……但不能总是以此类推,比如cook是动词“做饭”。而 cook也可作为名词“厨师”讲,而cooker则为厨具,餐具,即锅、碗、勺等做饭用具。

[误]The young is dancing there.

[正]The young are dancing there.

[析]英文中用定冠词加上形容词表示一类人时应按复数名词,如:the rich 富人,the poor(穷人),the wise 聪明人,但如果用定冠词加形容词来表示事物则要用作单数名词,如:The beautiful is still here.美丽的风景依旧。

[误]The stories of the book was written many years ago.

[正]The stories of the book were written many years ago.


[误]This is one of the English?Chinese dictionary.

[正]This is one of the English?Chinese dictionaries.

[析]one of意为“……之一”,of后面的名词要用复数形式。

[误]Let's go to uncle Wang for supper.

[正]Let's go to uncle Wang's for supper.

[析]uncle Wang's 意为“王叔叔家”,doctor's意为“医院或私人诊所”。

[误]I think we will make a friend with each other.

[正]I think we will make friends with each other.

[析]make friends 为习惯用法,即交朋友。

[误]I want to tell you much pieces of good news.

[正]I want to tell you many pieces of good news.

[析]news为不可数名词,但加了量词之后则要用many来修饰量词,因量词是可数名词,或可以说I want to tell you some good news.因some 即可用在可数名词前,也可用在不可数名词前作形容词,如:I want to tell you some pieces of good news.

[误]The teacher with five students are coming here.

[正]The teacher with five students is coming here.

[析]要注意由with引出的介词短语不是本句的主语,这与连词and有很大的区别,如:The teacher and five students are coming here. 这里由介词引出的短语仅仅是teacher的修饰语。

[误]There are a lot of information here, but we don't need them.

[正]There is a lot of information here, but we don't need it.


[误]Many a student make the same mistake in the exam.

[正]Many a student makes the same mistake in the exam.

[析]many a 加可数名词单数,作主语时其谓语动词应用单数形式,但其意为许多学生。

[误]The children wear very good cloth to go to school today.


[误]My mother bought two fishes for supper this morning.

[正]My mother bought two fish for supper this morning.

[析]英语中有些名词单复同形,如:fish, deer, sheep, Chinese (中国人), means (方法)。所以应讲one fish, two fish, one Chinese, two Chinese. 如果讲There are five fishes in the pool.应译为池中有五种鱼而不是五条鱼。

[误]Mary expressed her thank to her boy friend.

[正]Mary expressed her thanks to her boy friend.

[析]英语中有些名词只有复数形式,如: thanks, greens, 而有些词单数形式与复数形式有不同的词意。如:clothes 为衣服,而cloth则是布, sand沙子,而sands是沙滩。

[误]I offered my son my congratulation on his success.

[正]I offered my son my congratulations on his success.

[析]英语中表示祝贺的词虽有单数形式,但一般要用其复数形式。如握手为shake hands.

[误]We have five German in this meeting.

[正]We have five Germans in this meeting.

[析]英国人Englishman的复数形式为Englishmen,而German 则要加s,因为它不是由国名与man的组合词。

[误]There are two As in this word.

[正]There are two A's in this word.


[误]There are three 6s and two 3s in my telephone number.

[正]There are three 6's and two 3's in my telephone number.


[误]We have many woman teachers in our school.

[正]We have many women teachers in our school.


half brother—half brothers(同父异母或同母异父的兄弟)daughter in law—daughtersin law,(儿媳)但要注意的是:man driver—men drivers(男司机) woman doctor—women doctors(女大夫)grown up—grown ups(成年人) 但是boy student—则变为boy students

[误]Physics are very difficult to learn.

[正]Physics is very difficult to learn.

[析]虽以s结尾但只能用作单数名词有:科学,学科名字:Physics. Mathematics politics游戏名称:bowls 专有名称:Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布) 其他名词:news(消息,新闻)

[误]There is a people in the room.

[正]There is a person in the room.

[正]There is a man in the room.

[析]people是复数名词,不可用作单数,如要用来讲一个人时应用a person, a man, a woman。同样的词有police.要讲一个警察时则要用a policeman, a policewoman。

[误]Wher is my shoe?

[正]Wher are my shoes?

[析]常常只用作复数形式的词有trousers, pants, shorts(短裤),socks(袜子),shoes, gloves(手套)。但如果只找其中的一个则要指明,这时还是应用单数形式。如:Wher's my left glove?(我左手的手套在哪?)

[误]I paid five pennies for the sweet.

[正]I paid five pence for the sweet.

[析]英语中便士有两个复数形式pence用来表达一定数量的钱。而pennies是指一个个的硬币,如:I want to change this note for pennies.我想把这纸币换成硬币。(即一便士一个的硬币)。

[误]There are many fruit in the shop.

[正]There are many fruits in the shop.


[误]There is a new car. It is Jone's and Mary's.

[正]There is a new car. It is Jone and Mary's.

[析]有生命名词的所有格,如果是单数名词则加's如:Mary's car.如果是以s结尾的复数名词则只在s后面加’如:teachers' offices.如果是复数名词但不是以s结尾,则只加’s,如:children's palace 组合名词的所有格是在后一个词尾加's如:girl friend —girl friend's someone else—someone else's a week or three—a week or three's如名词后有同位语时,则应加在同位语的词尾上,如:It is my girl friend, Mary's car.要注意的是当两个名词并列时,如表示归两人共同所有,则在后一个名词后面加's,如果表示分别所有则在两个名词后分别加's,如:This is Mary and Jone's home.即Mary与Jone是一家人。这是他们共同的家。而These are Mary's and Jone's homes.则应译为这里是Mary的家与Jone 的家。

[误]It is really beautiful. It is a work of nature.

[正]It is really beautiful. It is a Nature's work.

[析]无生命名词的所有格应用of结构。但是's形式的所有格可用于以下无生命的名词:表示时间的词:today's newspaper, a twenty minutes' walk, an hour's, rest 表示长度的词:three metres' distance, a boat's length, twenty miles' journey 表示重量的名词:two pounds' weight价格名词:two dollars'worth拟人化的名词:Nature's work, nature's lesson(大自然的教训)及国家、机关、团体、城市等机构性名词:the university's library

[误]He is an old friend of my father.

[正]He is an old friend of my father's.

[析]这是英语中的一种习惯用法而不要根据语法去推理。如:This pen is Tom's.

[误]My father is a good cooker.

[正]My father is a good cook.

[析]一般动词加上er后则转意为执行该动作的执行者,如:teach(教)—teacher(老师),think(想)—thinker(思想 家),drive(开车)—driver(司机),sell(卖)—seller(卖物者)……但不能总是以此类推,比如cook是动词“做饭”。而 cook也可作为名词“厨师”讲,而cooker则为厨具,餐具,即锅、碗、勺等做饭用具。

[误]The young is dancing there.

[正]The young are dancing there.

[析]英文中用定冠词加上形容词表示一类人时应按复数名词,如:the rich 富人,the poor(穷人),the wise 聪明人,但如果用定冠词加形容词来表示事物则要用作单数名词,如:The beautiful is still here.美丽的风景依旧。

[误]The stories of the book was written many years ago.

[正]The stories of the book were written many years ago.


[误]This is one of the English?Chinese dictionary.

[正]This is one of the English?Chinese dictionaries.

[析]one of意为“……之一”,of后面的名词要用复数形式。

[误]Let's go to uncle Wang for supper.

[正]Let's go to uncle Wang's for supper.

[析]uncle Wang's 意为“王叔叔家”,doctor's意为“医院或私人诊所”。

[误]I think we will make a friend with each other.

[正]I think we will make friends with each other.

[析]make friends 为习惯用法,即交朋友。

[误]I want to tell you much pieces of good news.

[正]I want to tell you many pieces of good news.

[析]news为不可数名词,但加了量词之后则要用many来修饰量词,因量词是可数名词,或可以说I want to tell you some good news.因some 即可用在可数名词前,也可用在不可数名词前作形容词,如:I want to tell you some pieces of good news.

[误]The teacher with five students are coming here.

[正]The teacher with five students is coming here.

[析]要注意由with引出的介词短语不是本句的主语,这与连词and有很大的区别,如:The teacher and five students are coming here. 这里由介词引出的短语仅仅是teacher的修饰语。

[误]There are a lot of information here, but we don't need them.

[正]There is a lot of information here, but we don't need it.


[误]Many a student make the same mistake in the exam.

[正]Many a student makes the same mistake in the exam.

[析]many a 加可数名词单数,作主语时其谓语动词应用单数形式,但其意为许多学生。

[误]The children wear very good cloth to go to school today.


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