教师招聘考试:中小学英语基础知识- 形容词副词(二)

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教师招聘考试:中小学英语基础知识-  形容词副词(二)


[析] 副词在句中的位置很活,但主要有以下几种用法:①实意动词之前,如:He quickly give me the answer. ② 在be动词之后,如:The little boy is often late for class. ③ 第一助动词之后,如:This book has almost been finished. ④ 在单独使用的be动词和助动词之前,如: Can you help me this afternoon?  I certainly can. 但是无论如何也不能将副词置于动词与宾语之间,如果是宾语从句或是很长的名词


He heard clearly what the teacher said.

[误] The children came late yesterday to the cinema.

[正] The children came late to the cinema yesterday.

[析] 表示一定长度的时间的副词不应放于句中,可放于句尾。如果表示强调则可放于句首。

[误] You have few new books, haven't you?

[正] you have few new books, have you?

[析] 英语中的数量形容词有两组。修饰可数名词的有few(很少,几乎没有),a few(有一些,几个);修饰不可数名词的有little (很少,几乎没有),a little(有一点,有一些)。要注意的是当few和little用于句中时应看作否定句,而 a few 和a little 用于句中时则应看作是肯定句。

[误] He spent quite little money on his food.

[正] He spent quite a little money on his food.

[析] quite a 为一固定用法,其意为"十分,相当,所以"。 quite a few=many, quite a little=much 而only a little=little, only a few=few.

[误] Do you want to have many bread?

[正] Do you want to have some bread?

[析] some与any都可以用作形容词、副词或代词,在一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于疑问句和否定句,但在希望得到肯定答复时,应用some。 其次是some 可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词。

[误] Please tell me wher the shoes shop is?

[正] Please tell me wher the shoe shop is.

[析] 在用名词作修饰词来修饰另一名词时,这个作修饰词的名词应用单数形式,如:

a shoe shop 鞋店

a fruit shop 水果店

a book shop 书店

a post office 邮局

a police station 警察局

a bus stop 汽车站

[误] He is weak at physics.

[正] He is weak in physics.

[析] 在表达擅长于作某事时用be good at something, 而其反意词为be bad at something, 但be weak in something。

[误] This dictionary is worth to buy.

[正] This dictionary is worth buying.

[析] be worth 后可接动、名词表达值得作某事,又可接价格、金钱表示值多少钱。

[误] Don't afraid of that.

[正] Don't be afraid of that.

[析] afraid 在英文中是形容词而不是动词。这样的词组还有:

be afraid of 害怕 be careful of 小心

be certain of 有把握,确定 be sure of 确信

be glad of 高兴 be sick of 厌恶

be fond of 喜欢

[误] The work has already been done well.

[正] The work has already been well done.

[析] well 与badly作副词时,表示好坏,如果句子是被动语态,则应放在过去分词之前,如:This machine has been badly damaged. 如果句子是主动语态,则应放于句末,如:I did my homework well.

[误] We are yet in the classroom now.

[正] We are already in the classroom now.

[析] already主要用于肯定句,而yet多用于否定句和疑问句中,如:

Did you finish it? No. not yet.

[误] Look. Here comes he!

[正] Look! Here he comes!

[误] Look! Here the bus comes!

[正] Look! Here comes the bus!

[析] 在句子开头用Here时,如主语是人称代词则不要用倒装语序,如果主语是名词则要用倒装语序。

[误] She is my older sister.

[正] She is my elder sister.

[析] elder 和eldest是用来指家庭中兄弟姐妹的长幼关系,而older, oldest 则是指岁数大多少,如:She is three years older than I.

[误] I'm tired. I can't go further.

[正] I'm tired. I can't go farther.

[析] far有两个比较级 farther 较远的,further 进一步的,如:Do you need any further explanation? 你需要进一步的解释吗?当然它也有两个高级。farthest和furthest.

[误] I went to Beijing University five years before.

[正] I went to Beijing University five years ago.

[析] ago常与过去时连用,而before则多与完成时连用。

[误] - Have you finished your homework??

- No, not already.

[正] - Have you finished your homework??

- No, not yet.

[析] 仍然有三个英文字可以表达它们是already, yet 与 still。 要注意的是 already经常用于肯定句中,如The bus has already gone。 而yet 多用于疑问句和否定句中,如:Have you finished your homework yet? 而still则常用于主语与谓语动词之间,如:We still can't decide what to do. 但也有时用于be 动词之后,如:He is still here.

[误] He is very higher than I am.

[正] He is much higher than I am.

[析] much可以用来修饰比较级,而very则用来修饰形容词原级,如:I'm very tired.

[误] - Can I walk to the station??- You'd better not. It is very far.

[正] - Can I walk to the station??

- You'd better not, It is a long way.

[析] for一般用在疑问句与否定句中,如:How far is it from here to the station? 又如:It isn't far.

[误] I've ever been to America.

[正] I've been to America once.

[析] once 多用于肯定句,而ever则用于疑问句,否定句,及条件状语从句中,如:Have you ever been to London?

[误] - Could you pass the exam this time??

- No, I am not afraid so.

[正] - Could you pass the exam this time??

- No, I'm afraid not.

[析] 在肯定的答语中我们可以用so来代替上句所讲的事件,如:Do you think she is a good student? Yes I think so, /I hope so, /I believe so/ I'm afraid so.但在否定的答语中,英语口语的习惯用法则有所不同,如,I don't think so 而在hope, belive 与 afraid后则常用not, 如:I hope not.

[误] She didn't work enough hard, so she couldn't pass the exam.

[正] She didn't work hard enough, so she couldn't pass the exam.

[析] enough 可以作名词用,如:Enough has been said for how to learn English well. (对于如何学好英语已经讲的足够多了。) 另外它可以作为形容词,如:I have enough money (or money enough) to buy this dictionary. 注意 enough作为形容词时即可放于名词前又可放于名词后,在初中范围的考题中多用于名词之前。如果enough 作为副词用,那么它一定要放在被修饰的形容词或副词之后。

[误] You can't be very careful.

[正] You can't be too careful.

[析] 此句话的含意是你如何小心也不过分。too…to的用法是"太……以至于不能作某事"。但在实际应用时也常常将后面的to省去,如:It is too expensive for me.那对我来讲是太贵了。

[误] He is good past fifty.

[正] He is well past fifty.

[析] well 作为副词用时除用于"好"之外还有"大大地、远远地",等意。往往有人对下面两句的对或错有争议;

He is well.

He is good.

其实这两句都是正确的表达法,只不过其含意不同。He is well是"他身体不错",而He is good 则为"他是个好人"。

[误] She is not as half clever as her brother.

[正] She is not half as clever as her brother.

[析] 在as…as结构中要将修饰形容词的数量词倍数及nearly, almost, exactly… 等置?于第一?个as之前。

[误] He is same age as Tom.

[正] He is the same age as Tom.

[析] the same…as是固定的用法,其中定冠词the是不可省也不能换成别的词的。

[误] Mother and her daughter are exactly like.

[正] Mother and her daughter are exactly alike.

* like 作为介词,其意为"像",应用于 look like, be like, sound like, 其后要加宾语。而 ?alike? 是形容词,或副词,如: You and I think alike. The twins are dressed alike。 但 alike 仅作表语而不能用于名词前作定语。

[误] Who is taller of the two?

[正] Who is the taller of the two?

[析] 两者的比较级之前要加定冠词。

[误] I have less books than Tom.

[正] I have fewer books than Tom.

[析] less 是 little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。less后应加不可数名词而fewer后是可数名词。

[误] There are three girls in my group. The cleverer is Mary.

[正] There are three girls in my group. The cleverest is Mary.

[析] 在两者之间应用比较级,在三者之间或三者以上的范围内应用高级。

[误] The boy sat there as quiet as his sister.

[正] The boy sat there as quietly as his sister.

[析] as…as的用法要注意的是:①在其中间应加形容词或副词的原级,而不可加比较级,也有的语法书中称为同级比较。②要根据句意决定是加形容词还是副词,这要看它具体是修饰动词还是名词而定,如:He is as good as his friend.

[误] The harder you study, and you can learn more.

[正] The harder you study, the more you can learn.

[析] 英文中如果要表达越来越怎样,在初中范围有两种表达法:①比较级+and+比较级。②定冠词+比较级……,如:The nights are getting longer and longer。 要注意的是多音节形容词的比较级前要加more,这样的用法是:more and more 加形容词,如:The girl is growing more and more beautiful.

[误] Studying physics is not so interesting as to learn English.

[正] Studying physics is not so interesting as learning English.

[析] 在作比较时,英语一般要求对比的两部分结构应一致。如用动名词,应都用动名词,用不定式时则都用不定式。但有时在后一个不定式前的符号to可以省略。 如:To repair the old one is as much expensive as (to) buy a new one.

[误] The girl is more cleverer than the boy.

[正] The girl is much more clever (much cleverer) than the boy.

[析] clever有两个比较级:cleverer和more clever,要注意的是不能用比较级来修饰比较级。 clever的两个比较级也各有不同之处,如用在两种不同性质的比较时多用more clever,如:He is more clever than honest. (他的聪明要远远超过其诚实。)

[析] The boy is the tallest to the three.

[正] The boy is the tallest of the three.

[析] 高级的范围要用of加复数形式或加集合名词。

[误] This book is one of the most useful dictionary.

[正] This book is one of the most useful dictionaries.

[析] 在one of 后面高级形容词后要加可数名词复数。

[误] This dictionary is the much best one of the English?Chinese dictionaries.

[正] This dictionary is much the best one of the English?Chinese dictionaries.

[析] 在修饰高级时应用 far/by far/much 加the加高级。但very例外,如:He is the very best player in the team.

[误] Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China.

[正] Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.

[析] 在比较级中表示比较对象时如用any other其后一般要加单数名词。

[误] Most of stories in this book are written in English.

[正] Most of the stories in this book are written in English.

[正] Most stories in this book are written in English.

[析] "大多数"一词的表达法有most of the +名词,或most+名词。当用前一种结构时,其后面的定冠词不可少。

[误] The temperature of that room is higher than this room.

[正] The temperature of that room is higher than that of this room.

[析] 比较级用于两句话之间时,比较的部分不可省略掉,但为了避免重复,一般都要用that代替前面的单数名词,而用those代替前面的复数名词,如:The books in that box are bigger than those in this box。

[误] He is no more here. Maybe he is at home.

[正] He is no longer here. Maybe he is at home.

[析] no more在现代英语中多译为:"从此再也不会了",如:His voice is no more here. 他已经去世了,他的声音不可能再出现了。而用no longer 表达目前的状态。要注意下面几组句子的实际含意: This room is no cleaner than that one.即两间屋子都不干净。(两者都不干净) This room is not cleaner than that one,即这屋子不如那间干净。(前者不如后者干净。即一间干净,一间不干净。)

(三) 例题解析

1? I think Chinese is ___ than maths.?

A. interesting B? more interesting?

C. most interesting D. the most interesting

[答案] B.

[析] 在有than作比较的句子中应用形容词的比较级。

2? - What does Lucy like better, singing or dancing??

- Singing. of course. She's known to ___ it.?

A. be good at B. be good for

C. be bad at D. be bad for

[答案] A.

[析] be good at为固定搭配,意为"擅长作某事"。初中英语中有些这样的固定用法应记牢,而不能似是而非。如: be good at, be bad at, be poor in, be week in, be fit for

3? The Huang He River is one of ___ in China.?

A. The long river B. the longest river?

C. the longest rivers D. the longer river

[答案] C.

[析] 在one of + 定冠词+高级之后的名词应用复数形式。

4? The girl was ___ afraid ___ she threw her bag away.?

A. so, that B. too, to C. too, that D. enough, to

[答案] A.

[析] so…that为"如此怎样以至于如何",此句意思是:小女孩如此害怕以至于扔下包跑掉了。而too…to的意思为"如何如何,以至于不能作某事"。但to的后面是动词原形,而不是从句。

5? It was ___ yesterday than today.?

A. hot B. hoter

C. hotter D. the hottest

[答案] C.

[析] 用than表达比较的句中应用比较级 。

6? Which subject do you like ___ , English Chinese or maths??

A. best B. well

C. better D. good

[答案] A.

[析] 在两者之间应用比较级,而在三者之间或三者以上用高级。

7? None of the students watched it ___ .?

A. careful enough B. enough carefully

C. carefully enough D. enough careful

[答案] C.

[析] 首先应判定是选用用来修饰名词的形容词还是用来修饰动词的副词。这里是修饰watch这一动词,应选用副词。当enough用来修饰副词或形容词时应放于被修饰的形容词或副词之后。

8? ___ she eats, ___ she'll be.

A. More…fat B. The more…fatter

C. More…the fatter D. The more…the fatter

[答案] D.

[析] the+比较级表示"越来越……"本句应译为:她吃得越多,她就会越胖。

教师招聘考试:中小学英语基础知识-  形容词副词(二)


[析] 副词在句中的位置很活,但主要有以下几种用法:①实意动词之前,如:He quickly give me the answer. ② 在be动词之后,如:The little boy is often late for class. ③ 第一助动词之后,如:This book has almost been finished. ④ 在单独使用的be动词和助动词之前,如: Can you help me this afternoon?  I certainly can. 但是无论如何也不能将副词置于动词与宾语之间,如果是宾语从句或是很长的名词


He heard clearly what the teacher said.

[误] The children came late yesterday to the cinema.

[正] The children came late to the cinema yesterday.

[析] 表示一定长度的时间的副词不应放于句中,可放于句尾。如果表示强调则可放于句首。

[误] You have few new books, haven't you?

[正] you have few new books, have you?

[析] 英语中的数量形容词有两组。修饰可数名词的有few(很少,几乎没有),a few(有一些,几个);修饰不可数名词的有little (很少,几乎没有),a little(有一点,有一些)。要注意的是当few和little用于句中时应看作否定句,而 a few 和a little 用于句中时则应看作是肯定句。

[误] He spent quite little money on his food.

[正] He spent quite a little money on his food.

[析] quite a 为一固定用法,其意为"十分,相当,所以"。 quite a few=many, quite a little=much 而only a little=little, only a few=few.

[误] Do you want to have many bread?

[正] Do you want to have some bread?

[析] some与any都可以用作形容词、副词或代词,在一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于疑问句和否定句,但在希望得到肯定答复时,应用some。 其次是some 可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词。

[误] Please tell me wher the shoes shop is?

[正] Please tell me wher the shoe shop is.

[析] 在用名词作修饰词来修饰另一名词时,这个作修饰词的名词应用单数形式,如:

a shoe shop 鞋店

a fruit shop 水果店

a book shop 书店

a post office 邮局

a police station 警察局

a bus stop 汽车站

[误] He is weak at physics.

[正] He is weak in physics.

[析] 在表达擅长于作某事时用be good at something, 而其反意词为be bad at something, 但be weak in something。

[误] This dictionary is worth to buy.

[正] This dictionary is worth buying.

[析] be worth 后可接动、名词表达值得作某事,又可接价格、金钱表示值多少钱。

[误] Don't afraid of that.

[正] Don't be afraid of that.

[析] afraid 在英文中是形容词而不是动词。这样的词组还有:

be afraid of 害怕 be careful of 小心

be certain of 有把握,确定 be sure of 确信

be glad of 高兴 be sick of 厌恶

be fond of 喜欢

[误] The work has already been done well.

[正] The work has already been well done.

[析] well 与badly作副词时,表示好坏,如果句子是被动语态,则应放在过去分词之前,如:This machine has been badly damaged. 如果句子是主动语态,则应放于句末,如:I did my homework well.

[误] We are yet in the classroom now.

[正] We are already in the classroom now.

[析] already主要用于肯定句,而yet多用于否定句和疑问句中,如:

Did you finish it? No. not yet.

[误] Look. Here comes he!

[正] Look! Here he comes!

[误] Look! Here the bus comes!

[正] Look! Here comes the bus!

[析] 在句子开头用Here时,如主语是人称代词则不要用倒装语序,如果主语是名词则要用倒装语序。

[误] She is my older sister.

[正] She is my elder sister.

[析] elder 和eldest是用来指家庭中兄弟姐妹的长幼关系,而older, oldest 则是指岁数大多少,如:She is three years older than I.

[误] I'm tired. I can't go further.

[正] I'm tired. I can't go farther.

[析] far有两个比较级 farther 较远的,further 进一步的,如:Do you need any further explanation? 你需要进一步的解释吗?当然它也有两个高级。farthest和furthest.

[误] I went to Beijing University five years before.

[正] I went to Beijing University five years ago.

[析] ago常与过去时连用,而before则多与完成时连用。

[误] - Have you finished your homework??

- No, not already.

[正] - Have you finished your homework??

- No, not yet.

[析] 仍然有三个英文字可以表达它们是already, yet 与 still。 要注意的是 already经常用于肯定句中,如The bus has already gone。 而yet 多用于疑问句和否定句中,如:Have you finished your homework yet? 而still则常用于主语与谓语动词之间,如:We still can't decide what to do. 但也有时用于be 动词之后,如:He is still here.

[误] He is very higher than I am.

[正] He is much higher than I am.

[析] much可以用来修饰比较级,而very则用来修饰形容词原级,如:I'm very tired.

[误] - Can I walk to the station??- You'd better not. It is very far.

[正] - Can I walk to the station??

- You'd better not, It is a long way.

[析] for一般用在疑问句与否定句中,如:How far is it from here to the station? 又如:It isn't far.

[误] I've ever been to America.

[正] I've been to America once.

[析] once 多用于肯定句,而ever则用于疑问句,否定句,及条件状语从句中,如:Have you ever been to London?

[误] - Could you pass the exam this time??

- No, I am not afraid so.

[正] - Could you pass the exam this time??

- No, I'm afraid not.

[析] 在肯定的答语中我们可以用so来代替上句所讲的事件,如:Do you think she is a good student? Yes I think so, /I hope so, /I believe so/ I'm afraid so.但在否定的答语中,英语口语的习惯用法则有所不同,如,I don't think so 而在hope, belive 与 afraid后则常用not, 如:I hope not.

[误] She didn't work enough hard, so she couldn't pass the exam.

[正] She didn't work hard enough, so she couldn't pass the exam.

[析] enough 可以作名词用,如:Enough has been said for how to learn English well. (对于如何学好英语已经讲的足够多了。) 另外它可以作为形容词,如:I have enough money (or money enough) to buy this dictionary. 注意 enough作为形容词时即可放于名词前又可放于名词后,在初中范围的考题中多用于名词之前。如果enough 作为副词用,那么它一定要放在被修饰的形容词或副词之后。

[误] You can't be very careful.

[正] You can't be too careful.

[析] 此句话的含意是你如何小心也不过分。too…to的用法是"太……以至于不能作某事"。但在实际应用时也常常将后面的to省去,如:It is too expensive for me.那对我来讲是太贵了。

[误] He is good past fifty.

[正] He is well past fifty.

[析] well 作为副词用时除用于"好"之外还有"大大地、远远地",等意。往往有人对下面两句的对或错有争议;

He is well.

He is good.

其实这两句都是正确的表达法,只不过其含意不同。He is well是"他身体不错",而He is good 则为"他是个好人"。

[误] She is not as half clever as her brother.

[正] She is not half as clever as her brother.

[析] 在as…as结构中要将修饰形容词的数量词倍数及nearly, almost, exactly… 等置?于第一?个as之前。

[误] He is same age as Tom.

[正] He is the same age as Tom.

[析] the same…as是固定的用法,其中定冠词the是不可省也不能换成别的词的。

[误] Mother and her daughter are exactly like.

[正] Mother and her daughter are exactly alike.

* like 作为介词,其意为"像",应用于 look like, be like, sound like, 其后要加宾语。而 ?alike? 是形容词,或副词,如: You and I think alike. The twins are dressed alike。 但 alike 仅作表语而不能用于名词前作定语。

[误] Who is taller of the two?

[正] Who is the taller of the two?

[析] 两者的比较级之前要加定冠词。

[误] I have less books than Tom.

[正] I have fewer books than Tom.

[析] less 是 little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。less后应加不可数名词而fewer后是可数名词。

[误] There are three girls in my group. The cleverer is Mary.

[正] There are three girls in my group. The cleverest is Mary.

[析] 在两者之间应用比较级,在三者之间或三者以上的范围内应用高级。

[误] The boy sat there as quiet as his sister.

[正] The boy sat there as quietly as his sister.

[析] as…as的用法要注意的是:①在其中间应加形容词或副词的原级,而不可加比较级,也有的语法书中称为同级比较。②要根据句意决定是加形容词还是副词,这要看它具体是修饰动词还是名词而定,如:He is as good as his friend.

[误] The harder you study, and you can learn more.

[正] The harder you study, the more you can learn.

[析] 英文中如果要表达越来越怎样,在初中范围有两种表达法:①比较级+and+比较级。②定冠词+比较级……,如:The nights are getting longer and longer。 要注意的是多音节形容词的比较级前要加more,这样的用法是:more and more 加形容词,如:The girl is growing more and more beautiful.

[误] Studying physics is not so interesting as to learn English.

[正] Studying physics is not so interesting as learning English.

[析] 在作比较时,英语一般要求对比的两部分结构应一致。如用动名词,应都用动名词,用不定式时则都用不定式。但有时在后一个不定式前的符号to可以省略。 如:To repair the old one is as much expensive as (to) buy a new one.

[误] The girl is more cleverer than the boy.

[正] The girl is much more clever (much cleverer) than the boy.

[析] clever有两个比较级:cleverer和more clever,要注意的是不能用比较级来修饰比较级。 clever的两个比较级也各有不同之处,如用在两种不同性质的比较时多用more clever,如:He is more clever than honest. (他的聪明要远远超过其诚实。)

[析] The boy is the tallest to the three.

[正] The boy is the tallest of the three.

[析] 高级的范围要用of加复数形式或加集合名词。

[误] This book is one of the most useful dictionary.

[正] This book is one of the most useful dictionaries.

[析] 在one of 后面高级形容词后要加可数名词复数。

[误] This dictionary is the much best one of the English?Chinese dictionaries.

[正] This dictionary is much the best one of the English?Chinese dictionaries.

[析] 在修饰高级时应用 far/by far/much 加the加高级。但very例外,如:He is the very best player in the team.

[误] Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China.

[正] Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.

[析] 在比较级中表示比较对象时如用any other其后一般要加单数名词。

[误] Most of stories in this book are written in English.

[正] Most of the stories in this book are written in English.

[正] Most stories in this book are written in English.

[析] "大多数"一词的表达法有most of the +名词,或most+名词。当用前一种结构时,其后面的定冠词不可少。

[误] The temperature of that room is higher than this room.

[正] The temperature of that room is higher than that of this room.

[析] 比较级用于两句话之间时,比较的部分不可省略掉,但为了避免重复,一般都要用that代替前面的单数名词,而用those代替前面的复数名词,如:The books in that box are bigger than those in this box。

[误] He is no more here. Maybe he is at home.

[正] He is no longer here. Maybe he is at home.

[析] no more在现代英语中多译为:"从此再也不会了",如:His voice is no more here. 他已经去世了,他的声音不可能再出现了。而用no longer 表达目前的状态。要注意下面几组句子的实际含意: This room is no cleaner than that one.即两间屋子都不干净。(两者都不干净) This room is not cleaner than that one,即这屋子不如那间干净。(前者不如后者干净。即一间干净,一间不干净。)

(三) 例题解析

1? I think Chinese is ___ than maths.?

A. interesting B? more interesting?

C. most interesting D. the most interesting

[答案] B.

[析] 在有than作比较的句子中应用形容词的比较级。

2? - What does Lucy like better, singing or dancing??

- Singing. of course. She's known to ___ it.?

A. be good at B. be good for

C. be bad at D. be bad for

[答案] A.

[析] be good at为固定搭配,意为"擅长作某事"。初中英语中有些这样的固定用法应记牢,而不能似是而非。如: be good at, be bad at, be poor in, be week in, be fit for

3? The Huang He River is one of ___ in China.?

A. The long river B. the longest river?

C. the longest rivers D. the longer river

[答案] C.

[析] 在one of + 定冠词+高级之后的名词应用复数形式。

4? The girl was ___ afraid ___ she threw her bag away.?

A. so, that B. too, to C. too, that D. enough, to

[答案] A.

[析] so…that为"如此怎样以至于如何",此句意思是:小女孩如此害怕以至于扔下包跑掉了。而too…to的意思为"如何如何,以至于不能作某事"。但to的后面是动词原形,而不是从句。

5? It was ___ yesterday than today.?

A. hot B. hoter

C. hotter D. the hottest

[答案] C.

[析] 用than表达比较的句中应用比较级 。

6? Which subject do you like ___ , English Chinese or maths??

A. best B. well

C. better D. good

[答案] A.

[析] 在两者之间应用比较级,而在三者之间或三者以上用高级。

7? None of the students watched it ___ .?

A. careful enough B. enough carefully

C. carefully enough D. enough careful

[答案] C.

[析] 首先应判定是选用用来修饰名词的形容词还是用来修饰动词的副词。这里是修饰watch这一动词,应选用副词。当enough用来修饰副词或形容词时应放于被修饰的形容词或副词之后。

8? ___ she eats, ___ she'll be.

A. More…fat B. The more…fatter

C. More…the fatter D. The more…the fatter

[答案] D.

[析] the+比较级表示"越来越……"本句应译为:她吃得越多,她就会越胖。


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