教师招聘考试:中小学英语基础知识- 形容词副词(三)

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教师招聘考试:中小学英语基础知识-  形容词副词(三)


9? I don't think English is ___ Chinese.

A. as important as B. not important as

C. not so important D. important as

[答案] A.

[析] think+宾语从句时,应采用否定主句的形式,如:中文讲,"我认为你不对",英文应为:"我不认为你对"。 I don't think you are right. 所以不能选答案B。而C、D均为不正确的表达法。

10? Miss Gao is a good English teacher. The students in her class ___ English.A. are interested in B. are interesting in

C. are interested at D. are interesting to

[答案] A.

[析] 过去分词常用来修饰人,而现在分词常用来修饰物,如:an interesting book, 实际上过去分词含有被动之意,如:interested 其含意是"被……所吸引,感动"。而interesting 则为"使人感兴趣的",如:an interesting man 一个有趣、风趣的人。

11? The twins are together most of the time. So they never feel ___ .

A. alone B. lonely

C. happily D. friendly

[答案] B.

[析] alone意为"独自的,一个人的",它只能作表语不能作定语。I am not alone in doing such a thing.而lonely 意为"寂寞的,孤单的",如:The old man felt lonely. 要体会两个词的区别,如:The old man lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely.

12? What a ___ cough! You seem ___ ill.

A. terrible, terribly B. terribly, terrible

C. terrible, terrible D. terribly, terribly

[答案] A.

[析] terrible是形容词,而terribly是副词,第一个空是修饰名词的,所以应填入形容词。第二个空ill是形容词,这里terribly 是用来修饰ill的。

13? The two friends were ___ pleased to see each other that they forgot everything. ?A. so B. too

C. very D. much

[答案] A.

[析] 这里用的是so…that的固定搭配。

14? Which is ___ , Li Lei's box or Han Meimei's box??

A. heavy B. heavier

C. more heavier D. the heaviest

[答案] B.

[析] 两者之间用比较级,三者或以上用高级。

15? You don't like the same colours and I don't like them, ___ .?

A. too B. also

C. either D. neither

[答案] C.

[析] 在否定句中也应用either, 而不要用too,因too用于肯定句中。

16? Jim is ___ at all his lessons. And I'm sure he'll do very ___ in the exams.?

A. well, good B. good, well

C. well, well D. good, good

[答案] B.

[析] good为形容词,如:He is good. 他是个好人。而well作为身体状况的好坏讲时是形容词,如:He is well为他身体不错,而作为其他意思时为副词,如:He speaks English well.

17? You look ___ than before, why?

A. more thin B. more thinner

C. much more thin D. much thinner

[答案] D.

[析] 多音节形容词才用more或most加形容词来表示其比较级或高级,而thin的比较级为thinner。

18? Let's go out for supper now. I'm very ___ .

A. hungry B. angry

C. tired D. thirsty

[答案] A.

[析] hungry-饿,angry-生气,tired-紧,疲劳,thirsty-口渴。要注意名词的词义。

19? - Can you understand me?

- Sorry, I can ___ understand you.

A. hardly B. almost

C. even D. ever

[答案] A.

[析] hardly为一否定词,用在句中时应被看作是否定句。在答语中Sorry决定了其意为"听不明白",所以只能选 hardly。

20? "___ do you write to your penfriend?"

"about twice a month."

A. How often B. How soon

C. How much D. How long

[答案] A.

[析] how often用来提问某一动作经多久就要发生一次,也就是提问发生的频率。how soon是问从现在起还有多久。

21? Changjiang River is ___ river in China?

A. long B. longer

C. longest D. the longest

[答案] D.

22? I'll work ___ I can.

A. so hardly as B. so hard as

C. as hardly as D. as hard as

[答案] D.

[析] hard可用作形容词和副词,如:The desk was made of hard wood? 又如:It is raining hard。 而 hardly 是副词,其词义是"几乎不",如:Hardly did I sleep last night. 我昨晚几乎没有睡觉。而且hardly用于句首时要采用倒装语序。as…as即可以用于肯定句,也可以用于否定句,但so…as则只能用于否定句中。

23? It is very ___ to listen to him.

A. interested B. interesting

C. interested in D. interest

[答案] B.

[析] interest作为名词有两个词义,①兴趣,②银行中所讲的利息。而其形容词 interesting是"使人感兴趣的",而interested是"感兴趣的"如:He is interested in English.

24? Things are ___ worse than I thought.

A. more B. few

C. very D. much

[答案] D.

[析] 只有much可以修饰比较级。

25? It is one o'clock, but her father hasn't come back ___ .

A. already B. still

C. too D. yet

[答案] D.

[析] 完成时的否定句尾要用yet, 而already则用于肯定句。

26? Comrade Chen is ___ older than I.

A. very B. more

C. much D. quite

[答案] C.

[析] 只有much可以修饰比较级。可以修饰比较级的词还有much, far, even a little, by far等。

27? She did her homework ___ .

A. carefully B. careful

C. care D. careless

[答案] A.

[析] 这里应填入副词,而careless是由care加less后辍得来的,less意为"没有",是否定之意,如:careless-不小心,homeless-无家可归。而carefully为副词。

28? They can't answer the question in Japanese; we can't answer it, ___ .?A. also B. too

C. either D. neither

[答案] C.

29? - How are your parents?

- They are very ___ , thank you.

A. good B. kind

C. well D. happy

[答案] C.

[析] 由问句得知其询问的是身体如何,所以well作为身体状况不错时应视为形容词。 30? Peter runs ___ in our class.

A. the fast B. faster

C. fastest D. most fast

[答案] C.

[析] 副词的高级前可以加定冠词,也可以不加定冠词。

31? We were all ___ glad that we sang and danced.

A. such B. so

C. very D. quite

[答案] B.

[析] 在so与that之间只有形容词时不可用such。

32? Kate sings ___ Joan.

A. as well as B. as good as

C. so good as D. as better as

[答案] A.

[析] 这里well为副词,意为"唱得好"。

33? This egg smells ___ , though it looks all right.

A. good B. well

C. bad D? badly

[答案] C.

[析] smell为系动词,其后应加形容词,而不是副词。同样的词,还有sound, feel, seem、become(变成)等等,如:Ice feels cold in winter.

34? Wait a minute, I have ___ to tell you.

A. something interested B. something interesting

C. interesting something D. anything interesting

[答案] B.

[析] 修饰不定代词的修饰词要放在不定代词之后。

35? I shall visit you ___ next year.

A. sometimes B. sometime

C. some time D. some times

[答案] B.

[析] sometimes 有时,sometime 某一时刻,some time 一段时间, some times 若干次

36? My sister said she would try to speak ___ English every day.

A. a little B. a few

C. litttle D. few

[答案] A.

[析] little修饰不可数名词,而a little意为"一些,一点"。

37? I have ___ friends here and I often visit them.

A. few B. little

C. a few D. a little

[答案] C.

[析] a few意为"有些",few后面要加可数名词复数。

38? Of all these books, do you think, which one is ___ ?

A. interesting B. much interesting?

C. more interesting D. the most interesting

[答案] D.

[析] Of all these books 是用来表示高级的范围。

教师招聘考试:中小学英语基础知识-  形容词副词(三)


9? I don't think English is ___ Chinese.

A. as important as B. not important as

C. not so important D. important as

[答案] A.

[析] think+宾语从句时,应采用否定主句的形式,如:中文讲,"我认为你不对",英文应为:"我不认为你对"。 I don't think you are right. 所以不能选答案B。而C、D均为不正确的表达法。

10? Miss Gao is a good English teacher. The students in her class ___ English.A. are interested in B. are interesting in

C. are interested at D. are interesting to

[答案] A.

[析] 过去分词常用来修饰人,而现在分词常用来修饰物,如:an interesting book, 实际上过去分词含有被动之意,如:interested 其含意是"被……所吸引,感动"。而interesting 则为"使人感兴趣的",如:an interesting man 一个有趣、风趣的人。

11? The twins are together most of the time. So they never feel ___ .

A. alone B. lonely

C. happily D. friendly

[答案] B.

[析] alone意为"独自的,一个人的",它只能作表语不能作定语。I am not alone in doing such a thing.而lonely 意为"寂寞的,孤单的",如:The old man felt lonely. 要体会两个词的区别,如:The old man lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely.

12? What a ___ cough! You seem ___ ill.

A. terrible, terribly B. terribly, terrible

C. terrible, terrible D. terribly, terribly

[答案] A.

[析] terrible是形容词,而terribly是副词,第一个空是修饰名词的,所以应填入形容词。第二个空ill是形容词,这里terribly 是用来修饰ill的。

13? The two friends were ___ pleased to see each other that they forgot everything. ?A. so B. too

C. very D. much

[答案] A.

[析] 这里用的是so…that的固定搭配。

14? Which is ___ , Li Lei's box or Han Meimei's box??

A. heavy B. heavier

C. more heavier D. the heaviest

[答案] B.

[析] 两者之间用比较级,三者或以上用高级。

15? You don't like the same colours and I don't like them, ___ .?

A. too B. also

C. either D. neither

[答案] C.

[析] 在否定句中也应用either, 而不要用too,因too用于肯定句中。

16? Jim is ___ at all his lessons. And I'm sure he'll do very ___ in the exams.?

A. well, good B. good, well

C. well, well D. good, good

[答案] B.

[析] good为形容词,如:He is good. 他是个好人。而well作为身体状况的好坏讲时是形容词,如:He is well为他身体不错,而作为其他意思时为副词,如:He speaks English well.

17? You look ___ than before, why?

A. more thin B. more thinner

C. much more thin D. much thinner

[答案] D.

[析] 多音节形容词才用more或most加形容词来表示其比较级或高级,而thin的比较级为thinner。

18? Let's go out for supper now. I'm very ___ .

A. hungry B. angry

C. tired D. thirsty

[答案] A.

[析] hungry-饿,angry-生气,tired-紧,疲劳,thirsty-口渴。要注意名词的词义。

19? - Can you understand me?

- Sorry, I can ___ understand you.

A. hardly B. almost

C. even D. ever

[答案] A.

[析] hardly为一否定词,用在句中时应被看作是否定句。在答语中Sorry决定了其意为"听不明白",所以只能选 hardly。

20? "___ do you write to your penfriend?"

"about twice a month."

A. How often B. How soon

C. How much D. How long

[答案] A.

[析] how often用来提问某一动作经多久就要发生一次,也就是提问发生的频率。how soon是问从现在起还有多久。

21? Changjiang River is ___ river in China?

A. long B. longer

C. longest D. the longest

[答案] D.

22? I'll work ___ I can.

A. so hardly as B. so hard as

C. as hardly as D. as hard as

[答案] D.

[析] hard可用作形容词和副词,如:The desk was made of hard wood? 又如:It is raining hard。 而 hardly 是副词,其词义是"几乎不",如:Hardly did I sleep last night. 我昨晚几乎没有睡觉。而且hardly用于句首时要采用倒装语序。as…as即可以用于肯定句,也可以用于否定句,但so…as则只能用于否定句中。

23? It is very ___ to listen to him.

A. interested B. interesting

C. interested in D. interest

[答案] B.

[析] interest作为名词有两个词义,①兴趣,②银行中所讲的利息。而其形容词 interesting是"使人感兴趣的",而interested是"感兴趣的"如:He is interested in English.

24? Things are ___ worse than I thought.

A. more B. few

C. very D. much

[答案] D.

[析] 只有much可以修饰比较级。

25? It is one o'clock, but her father hasn't come back ___ .

A. already B. still

C. too D. yet

[答案] D.

[析] 完成时的否定句尾要用yet, 而already则用于肯定句。

26? Comrade Chen is ___ older than I.

A. very B. more

C. much D. quite

[答案] C.

[析] 只有much可以修饰比较级。可以修饰比较级的词还有much, far, even a little, by far等。

27? She did her homework ___ .

A. carefully B. careful

C. care D. careless

[答案] A.

[析] 这里应填入副词,而careless是由care加less后辍得来的,less意为"没有",是否定之意,如:careless-不小心,homeless-无家可归。而carefully为副词。

28? They can't answer the question in Japanese; we can't answer it, ___ .?A. also B. too

C. either D. neither

[答案] C.

29? - How are your parents?

- They are very ___ , thank you.

A. good B. kind

C. well D. happy

[答案] C.

[析] 由问句得知其询问的是身体如何,所以well作为身体状况不错时应视为形容词。 30? Peter runs ___ in our class.

A. the fast B. faster

C. fastest D. most fast

[答案] C.

[析] 副词的高级前可以加定冠词,也可以不加定冠词。

31? We were all ___ glad that we sang and danced.

A. such B. so

C. very D. quite

[答案] B.

[析] 在so与that之间只有形容词时不可用such。

32? Kate sings ___ Joan.

A. as well as B. as good as

C. so good as D. as better as

[答案] A.

[析] 这里well为副词,意为"唱得好"。

33? This egg smells ___ , though it looks all right.

A. good B. well

C. bad D? badly

[答案] C.

[析] smell为系动词,其后应加形容词,而不是副词。同样的词,还有sound, feel, seem、become(变成)等等,如:Ice feels cold in winter.

34? Wait a minute, I have ___ to tell you.

A. something interested B. something interesting

C. interesting something D. anything interesting

[答案] B.

[析] 修饰不定代词的修饰词要放在不定代词之后。

35? I shall visit you ___ next year.

A. sometimes B. sometime

C. some time D. some times

[答案] B.

[析] sometimes 有时,sometime 某一时刻,some time 一段时间, some times 若干次

36? My sister said she would try to speak ___ English every day.

A. a little B. a few

C. litttle D. few

[答案] A.

[析] little修饰不可数名词,而a little意为"一些,一点"。

37? I have ___ friends here and I often visit them.

A. few B. little

C. a few D. a little

[答案] C.

[析] a few意为"有些",few后面要加可数名词复数。

38? Of all these books, do you think, which one is ___ ?

A. interesting B. much interesting?

C. more interesting D. the most interesting

[答案] D.

[析] Of all these books 是用来表示高级的范围。


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