
2024-03-22 来源:

(  )21.The continuous storm_____the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.

A.set back

B.set of

C.set out

D.set aside

21.A【解析】set back“使推迟,耽误”;set off“动身”;set out“出发,启程”;set aside“留出,放到一旁”。句意:连续性暴雨使小麦收获的时间推迟了两周。故选A。


(  )22.The famous magician,as well as his assistant,_____to perform at the China's Got Talent in 2017.

A.were invited

B.was invited

C.have been invited

D.has been invited

22.B【解析】根据时间状语in 2017可知,本句用一般过去时,故排除C、D。当主语后面接由as well as引导的名词时,谓语动词的单复数与主语一致, 所以本题的谓语动词要用单数形式。故选B。

(  )21.The continuous storm_____the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.

A.set back

B.set of

C.set out

D.set aside

21.A【解析】set back“使推迟,耽误”;set off“动身”;set out“出发,启程”;set aside“留出,放到一旁”。句意:连续性暴雨使小麦收获的时间推迟了两周。故选A。


(  )22.The famous magician,as well as his assistant,_____to perform at the China's Got Talent in 2017.

A.were invited

B.was invited

C.have been invited

D.has been invited

22.B【解析】根据时间状语in 2017可知,本句用一般过去时,故排除C、D。当主语后面接由as well as引导的名词时,谓语动词的单复数与主语一致, 所以本题的谓语动词要用单数形式。故选B。


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